また舞台作品においての活動も目覚ましく、2010年から2015年まで劇団☆新感線の作品に音楽スタッフとして参加、他近年の主な作品は『ロッキー・ホラー・ショー』(音楽監督補、ピアノ)、『ヘドウィグ・アンド・アングリーインチ』(音楽監督、キーボード) 、『ダブル・トラブル』(音楽監督)、『Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE』(音楽)等。2024年12月、雅号を大塚茜より阿蒐禰と改めた。
▶︎2023年『大塚茜、還俗ライブ』概要 → http://otsukaakane.com/?page_id=1566
▶︎ワークショップ『歌の稽古場』概要 → note
Akane Otsuka
Akane grew up composing music, drawing pictures and writing poems.
A graduate of Tokyo University of the Arts in Music Composition,
she studied the piano under Seiko Sumi and composition from Akira Kitamura, Hiroaki Minami and Isao Matsushita.
Akane has been commissioned to compose many pieces for traditional Japanese instruments such as the koto and sho in the past 20 years. These pieces have gained much recognition and great appreciation both domestically and internationally and have been performed repeatedly over the years.
She has also been involved in numerous musicals and dance performances as music director, composer and pianist.
Akane has a strong interest in yoga and meditation and how they are deeply connected with music, the body and the spirit.